Tooth Erosion Prevention For Your Smile

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Tooth erosion no fun! It can be painful, lead to lasting damage, and can even lead to tooth failure. Follow these steps to prevent cavities in your smile!


Brush Your Teeth: Brush your teeth for 2 minutes, twice a day. Use a very soft-bristled toothbrush, to prevent damage to your gum tissue, as well as prevent scratches to your tooth enamel. Hold the toothbrush at a 45* angle to your gumline. Move the brush back and forth using short strokes. Think “massage” more than “scrub.”


Floss: Brushing your teeth is only half the battle. Flossing once every day for 2-3 minutes per session makes a huge difference in your smile! Use a single-filament thread when possible, to prevent breakage. Don’t forget to floss behind your back molars!


Saliva Production: Saliva is your body’s natural defense against cavities. Saliva brings fortifying substances to your enamel, washes away debris, and neutralizes acids. Chewing sugarless gum stimulates saliva production, delivering all of these benefits to your mouth. Of course, chewing sugar-sweetened gum also stimulates saliva production, however, the added sugar feed the very bacteria your saliva is trying to fight! This is detrimental to your smile. Stick with sugar-free gum for an extra boost to your mouth health! Try to chew gum for 20 minutes after eating for maximum benefit. Chewing gum is not a substitute for brushing and flossing.


For more information, call Out Of This World Dentistry & Orthodontics in Draper, Utah, at 801-571-6751.  Dr. and our team are happy to help you keep your smile healthy!